
General Insurance

Insurance contracts that return beneath the compass of life assurance stand known as general insurance. There is various kind of general insurance fireplace, marine, motor, accident, and alternative miscellaneous non-life insurance.

Concrete assets are inclined to damages a necessity to defend the importance of the investments needed for this intent, as general insurance believed as they supply protection against unexpected contingencies like injury and loss of quality, life assurance returns at the value within the type of a premium.

Compliance Tax
What are general insurance principles?
  • There should existing some property, ownership, welfare, life, stalk, or possible liability qualified of being insured.
  • Any of those on top of i.e. property, right, interest, etc. should be the topic matter of insurance.
  • The insured should sub a proper or legal relationship with the topic matter of the insurance.
What are the kinds of insurance offered in India?
What are the tax advantages of insurance?